
  • Tamunomiebi Miebaka Dagogo Rivers, State University,
  • Adoki Edmund Barasin Rivers State University.



Organizational Trustworthiness, Employee Innovative Work Behaviour, Trust, Competency, Integrity, Benevolence, Creativity


Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to examine the relationship between organizational trustworthiness and employee innovative work behaviour.

Methodology: The paper is designed as a theoretical paper and as such discusses related theories which conceptualize and detail the relationship between the variables. The content of the paper addressed the nature and implications of organizational trustworthiness for employee innovative work behaviour by offering insight on issues which bother on employee work expectations, as well as the relationship between managers/supervisors and their employees.

Findings: It was stated that there is the need for organizations to emphasis on practices and qualities which express their substantial levels of benevolence, integrity and competence as a way of enhancing their trustworthiness and as such, increasing employee innovative behaviour within the workplace.

Unique Contribution to Practice and Policy:  The  management should focus on developing work structures that are transparent and which allow for active participation and involvement; such that actions and decisions by the leadership can be justified on the basis of competency and integrity, thus boosting the confidence of employees in the organization.


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Author Biographies

Tamunomiebi Miebaka Dagogo, Rivers, State University,

Post Graduate Student 

 Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences



Adoki Edmund Barasin, Rivers State University.

Doctoral Candidate Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Rivers State University 


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How to Cite

Dagogo, T. M., & Barasin, A. E. (2020). ORGANIZATIONAL TRUSTWORTHINESS AND EMPLOYEE INNOVATIVE WORK BEHAVIOUR. Journal of Strategic Management, 5(1), 25–35.


