KAMRAN , Muhammad; MATEEN , Abdul; TAMKEEN, Tamkeen; IQBAL , Syeda Amna; SHAFIQUE , Kaiynat; AZFAR , Dr. Hanan; RAZA, Qasim. Efficacy of Transverse Friction Massage versus Dry Cupping on Flexor Digitorum Brevis and Gastrocsoleus in Patients with Planter fasciitis. European Journal of Health Sciences, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 4, p. 12–21, 2023. DOI: 10.47672/ejhs.1617. Disponível em: https://www.ajpojournals.org/journals/index.php/EJHS/article/view/1617. Acesso em: 17 jun. 2024.